Stafford County Public Schools
Welcome to Stafford County Public Schools

Thank you for your interest in Stafford County Public Schools, where a superior instructional program is a top priority of the School Board, administration, staff and faculty. The Stafford County school system focuses on strategies that challenge each student to reach his or her potential and to prepare each student to succeed in society.

Highest quality educators are employed. Professional development opportunities and wellness activities are available for our staff to maintain quality instruction for every student in every classroom everyday. Each school's strict enforcement of the Stafford County Public School Code of Conduct relating to drugs, weapons and violence contributes to a safe environment conducive for learning. Through our multicultural education program we promote sensitivity and respect for all people. The Community Citizenship Education Program helps develop a strong, caring community. Parent and community are partners in our children's education and we encourage them to become part of the education of our youth.

Stafford County Public Schools is one of the best school systems in the state. The citizens of Stafford County expect and support a quality educational system. As the 2nd fastest growing county in the state, Stafford County is challenged to construct and maintain quality facilities for all students while continuing the quality educational programs expected.

Our students score above the state and national averages on standardized tests and earn awards at the regional, state and national levels. More than 82% of our graduates plan to continue their education at college or trade/technical schools.

As parent or guardian, you are your child's first teacher and you have the most important role in the education of your child. Encourage good attendance and study habits, help your child learn to resolve conflicts in positive ways, and teach them to respect themselves and others. Set school as a family priority, get to know your child's teacher(s) and become involved with your child's school.

This website provides you with information about our school system, but does not replace personal communication between home and the school. We encourage you to call and visit our schools to share our pride and enthusiasm.

David E. Sawyer

Stafford County Public Schools
31 Stafford Ave, Stafford, VA 22554

Phone: 540-658-6000 | Fax: 540-658-5963
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