Rockhill Elementary School
Rockhill Elementary School, "Home of the Raccoons", is located in the
Rock Hill Magesterial District of Stafford County, located in the Garrisonville area. 41 classrooms and a computer lab service approximately 575
pupils in grades K - 5. Mrs. Butters has been principal since the school opened and Mrs. Johnston arrived a year later and has been the only assistant principal here. RES is committed to assuring that "No child is left behind" and has instituted a variety of programs to attain this goal. Teachers work cooperatively with parents to assure student success. The active PTO sponsors a variety of family centered
activities and volunteer parents assist us in numerous ways.
Rockhill Elementary School
50 Wood Drive
Stafford, VA 22556
Phone: 658-6360
Fax: 658-6355
Principal: Mrs. Marilyn Butters
Assistant Principal: Mrs. Pat Johnston