Hampton Oaks Elementary School
A Message From the Principal - Daria Groover
Welcome to Hampton Oaks Elementary School's website. We offer students a
wonderful educational experience through a comprehensive curriculum based on the Virginia Standards of Learning. Teachers meet weekly in Professional Learning
Community teams to plan instruction based on the following questions:
1) What is it we expect students to know?
2) How will we know when they have learned it?
3) What do we do if they do not learn it? and
4) What do we do if they need enrichment?
Resource teachers work closely with classroom teachers to support core curriculum through areas such as music, physical education, library, guidance, technology,
special education and focus. We have tremendous support of parents through PTO
and volunteer opportunities. Students at Hampton Oaks enjoy many opportunities to participate in enrichment activities including Singing Hawks, Technology Club, Patrols, Student Council Association and our WHOE daily news broadcast. Please enjoy your
visit to our website. We are proud to say, "At Hampton Oaks Elementary, you can
Expect the Best!"
Hampton Oaks Elementary School
Hampton Oaks Elementary School
107 Northampton Blvd.
Stafford, Virginia 22554
Tel:i 540-658-6280
Fax: 540-658-6276